CEMC news

Language is a symbol of state and property

From the earliest stages of humankind's formation, there was a need for ways to express one's opinions in different ways. One of the greatest qualities of a person is the ability to express his thoughts through language. As a result of this feeling, an attitude towards language was formed. The development of humanity as a nation and people served as the basis for the emergence of the concept of “mother tongue”. Therefore, the history of a language, the process of its formation and development cannot be studied separately from the history of a nation.

Based on the requirements of the current stage of modernization of Uzbekistan - a period of national growth, large-scale work is being carried out to further increase the prestige of our native language.

The adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On establishing the Day of the Uzbek Language” on April 10, 2020 became an important document reflecting our high respect for our native language.

In connection with this date, a spiritual and educational event was organized at SEMC of Kashkadarya region. A specialist from the Kashkadarya Regional Information and Library Center named after S. Nasafi Gozal Khaidarova was invited to the event. 


The lecturer gave interesting information to the event participants, ranging from the historical roots of our native language to the process of obtaining the status of the state language.

 During the event, participants asked questions and exchanged opinions.


Prepared by: Category 2 engineer SEMC Kashkadarya region Sh.R. Jalilov

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